


I love the winter! Lots of people detest the winter and moan about it every year when it comes around. I should know, my family don't stop! But I'm always there to remind them why it's great.
Not only is it the season of which Christmas is in (YAY!) but it's also so pretty outside at this time of year, especially when it snows. I love being able to wear chunky knit jumpers and my fluffy pink socks sitting inside in the warm with a hot chocolate in front of the TV, or twitter, obviously. For me, there's nothing better.

There's only one problem though, and that's the mornings. Getting up at 6:30 am every morning Monday-Friday when it's so dark it looks like night, does not make me the happiest girl. Since year 11 my bed has also all of a sudden become a lot more comfier and I've never wanted to stay in it so much.

I've been out recently to buy some winter clothes, as all my clothes were mainly summery. This year there are some really nice what I call 'proper winter warmers' (don't ask!) in high street stores and I know I'll have to make another trip out searching for some more before Christmas. I've put a few photos of some of the things I've bought this winter up, although I'm not too sure on the prices I paid for them; I'll have to start noting it down. I've found everywhere quite reasonable this year as last year prices seemed to rise just before Christmas but this year so far so good.

Photo isn't very clear because we were camping out in the car while my brother was at the skate park in the pouring rain. Skinny Jeans from New Look (Not sure but think they were recently in the sale for £10)

Striped Jumper from Primark (Again I'm not 100% sure but I think it only cost me £8)

I bought these from eBay second hand however they were used a minimal amount of times and  were in very good condition - £12. I myself haven't worn these a lot either and will probably end up putting them up on Ebay too! :(

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