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It's that time of the week again which seems to reach us too quickly after the weekend - MONDAY.
Did you know that most of us don't crack our first smile until 11:16 am on Mondays? Yes, that is as depressing as it sounds. I'm happy to admit that I probably make Mondays one hundred times worse than they really are, but no one wants to go back to school, college, or work after two days off which go by way too fast.
But this isn't just any other Monday, it's a January Monday. The second Monday of the year. To be honest, this may be worse because people are feeling a bit down because they've no money after Christmas or they've broken their New Year's Resolution. In theory it probably doesn't make it any better, but today's a Monday where some of us are still in the New Year's spirit, in which we are enthusiastic about making a change this year; to our lives, our work and our attitudes to anything we wish.
We can make each day our own, in our own way and Monday's just as good as any to start with.