
25 Facts About Me


Me when I was about 5 or 6! (Sorry about the quality.. it's one of those photo's of a photo) (this wasn't actually originally taken in 2008)
So after seeing many of the "50 facts about me" and then the "25 facts about me" posts I decided to finally join in! Here are 25 facts about me, because it was hard enough to think of this many, let alone 50!
  1. I was born on the 30th of September 1996 but was meant to enter the world on the 18th.
  2. I have a weird obsession with mugs, duvet covers, and candles. I like mugs and end up buying lots when I have no room or no need for even 1 more. 
  3. I have never been on a bus.
  4. My favourite type of food is Italian... or Chinese.
  5. I am starting college this year and I'm taking Photography, Media, Textiles, and Sociology.
  6. My mood can change instantly (this is definitely not a good thing!).
  7. I've only been abroad once (to Portugal) when I was very young.
  8. I've only had one operation in my life which was when I had my tonsils removed.  
  9. My favourite colour is purple.
  10. I'm always late. I was born late so I'll just blame it on that.
  11. I have a scar on my forehead from when I ran into the side of an open door and cut my head open. Yes, that isn't a mistake...it was actually open.
  12. I am one of the most clumsiest people you will meet. I have ruined the following by repeatedly knocking over the bottle of nailpolish remover: the freezer,the dashboard in the car, the dining table, the coffee table, the carpet, and the bathroom cabinet. I constantly spill drinks everywhere. I drop everything and seem to trip over nothing. I fell out of my back door and ended up with my elbow in a cast for a few weeks.
  13. My favourite film is The Holiday. I love most Cameron Diaz films in fact.
  14. If I find a new song I like, I will play it 24/7 until it annoys me and I no longer like it as much.
  15. I've only ever had one pet which is the one I have now - a cat called Oscar.
  16. My favourite thing to watch on TV is Hollyoaks.
  17. I prefer to watch Youtube videos than I do TV most of the time.
  18. I have a brother called George who is 5 years younger than me.
  19. I love to cook!
  20. I laugh most of the time and will find the unfunniest things funny!
  21. I won an award for the young volunteer of the year when I was 11.
  22. The first concert I ever went to was Peter Andre.
  23. I get addicted to things very easily.
  24. I drink green tea instead of normal tea.
  25. Going to the Paralympics in London last year was probably one of the best days of my life.

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  1. I loved reading this! Green tea is the best & The Holiday is such a sweet film <3

    Jennie xo | sailorjennie.com

    1. I'm glad you liked it! Green Tea is so good for you too - added bonus,haha!


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