
Loves of Last Month - January


I'm actually posting a favourites post, can you believe it? This month (the past couple of months actually) I haven't been very well and most days, the thought of putting make-up on or doing my hair, whilst trying out new products, has not been a pleasing one. Therefore, my Loves of Last Month are mostly non-beauty ones!...


Maybelline Baby Lips Intense Repair
FINALLY I have found a product that brings back the softness and plumpness to my lips! I suffer with probably the worst dry lips known to man (or any other creature for that matter!), and have tried numerous products in hope that my lips will no longer remain dry, crinkled, and scabby (nice, blurgh)! None worked, until I tried this little beauty that was included in the Company Glamour Beauty Edit Box. It's done wonders... I lurrrve it!

Nars Sheer Glow Foundation
Nars Sheer Glow is the first high end foundation I've tried, but will definitely not be the last. I've always stuck to the drugstore foundations in the past because of the major price difference, but I have finally been convinced - YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR! I was eyeing this up on asos.com whilst repeating my very regular browsing session, and couldnt refuse when I was emailed a 20% off code. So, I ended up getting it at just over £24 and came to realise how dry the drugstore foundation I constantly used was making my skin. I now use this all the time and will definitely try higher end foundations again. Hopefully, I'll be doing a full review on this soon!


New Girl
I recently bought the complete second series of New Girl after not having the time to watch it on TV when it was on. This has reminded me of just how much I love the show, and now I have the time, I can watch it on repeat!

Movie Soundtracks 
A favourite of January which is completely random is the soundtrack albums to Frozen and Les Misérables. I took my brother to see Frozen in December and I was the one who came out VERY into it. It was a great film to watch just before Christmas, and I hold my hands up, I've been listening to it ever since! My brother then bought me the actual CD, bless him! Les Misérables has also been another album on my most listened to last month. I loved the film, and after noticing the soundtrack popping up on spotify I have really enjoyed listening to it. I think it's great that you can tell the story from just listening to the music, and I now really want to go and watch the theatre show!

Spotify Premium
I'm a sucker for a free trial, usually with the mindset that I won't commit after the first free month. Well, this time it was different and I'm now on my second month of having to pay for Spotify Premium. What's really got me though, is being able to download the tracks, making them available offline, so 
then I can listen to any playlist at any time! Great!

So these are the things I have been loving throughout the month of January. I'd love to know what yours were - let me know what you've been loving last month, or even in the first week of February? 

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  1. Nars Sheer Glow is a holy grail foundation of mine. After giving into the hype i was literally so amazed at how lovely it left my skin. If it was a tad bit more affordable i would use it every single day haha

    Sophia Meola | A Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog


    1. And mine! It's a product that definitely matches up to the hype! One of my favourite purchases! X

  2. I am another HUGE fan of Nars SG and baby lips too. Great post btw. I have just chanced across your blog and really like its layout and content so have followed and look forward to reading more. I would be really chuffed if you had a moment to pop across to mine at http://www.lippylikes.com and would welcome any feedback you had x

    1. Aw thank you lovely! I've followed Via Bloglovin' X


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