
Race For Life


Cancer is a word that sits very heavily on my heart, just as I'm sure it does many of yours.
When anyone hears a mention of the big "C", negativity surrounding the word rushes to their minds, or has done at one point. Cancer is a negative thing of course, but the work completed aside it is far from. And, to be a part of that alongside inspirational women is something I will always remember and is something I will continue to be a part of for as long as I can. 

Each day that someone is diagnosed with cancer is still a day when we're fighting it. Sometimes we forget this, I even do. Cancer Research and awareness is not a 'one day' thing. It's not a week thing, nor is it a month or a year thing. The research for Cancer is ongoing, the effects it has on people can be lifelong, and for some, the time they first hand-idly experience cancer is short. 

Cancer Research don't receive any government funding. All the money used within this charity is funded by the works of people who have dedicated their own time and effort into raising money to help others and quite possibly ourselves. That's why events like Race for Life are so important because they are the building blocks to Cancer Researches ultimate goal - that one day people won't fear Cancer for the reason that we have a cure.

This year my family and I will be taking part in the fight against cancer for the third year running in the event of Race for Life. This takes place every year at many locations around the UK in which women come together to walk, jog, or run a 5k or 10k distance in sight of raising money to contribute to the ongoing research and treatment that is involved with Cancer. Families and friends of those women fighting cancer, who have beaten it, and those who want to raise money in order to help these people all come together on the day they've chosen and walk the route with their own stories. After experiencing it first hand twice before I can honestly say it is one of the most overwhelming experiences and situations I've ever been in. 

This year, like many that have passed, and many that are yet to come, we'll be walking, jogging, or running side by side in an attempt to show cancer that we'll continue to fight back.
If you'd like to contribute to this life-changing project or find out more you can still enter here into an event near you or you can visit mine and my lovely Mums fundraising page to find out more on why we're both doing it and what it means to us. 

Cancer kills people. Research kills Cancer.

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  1. This is such an inspiring post, Chloe. I think it's really great that you posted this <3
    Hope you're having a lovely Tuesday!!xx

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    Creme de la Chic


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