
Taking Stock #2


Making: exciting holiday plans.
Drinking: one too many glasses of wine (it's left over from Christmas and I just can't help let it go to waste)!
Reading: Zoella's first novel - Girl Online
Watching: video after video from Hannah Witton. How I have not watched her before I don't know!
Wanting: to cleverly write about important, controversial topics.
Looking: forward to what's in store for 2015.
Playing: lots of Hoodie Allen in prep for his March gig in Brixton. SO EXCITED.
Wasting: early hours of the morning when I could be catching up on beauty sleep.
Wishing: I hadn't wasted so much time last year. Let's move on...
Enjoying: having saturdays free.
Waiting: to get back to college and plan some exciting events.
Liking: hilarious facebook videos.
Wondering: whether I should make the definite decision to go and splurge on a Macbook Pro.
Loving: extending my music library.
Hoping: I make the most out of this year.
Marvelling: at how grown up the youngest in my family now are.
Needing: more hours in the day.
Smelling: like a walking Lush Christmas advert when I step out of the bath (Thanks to Natalie).
Wearing: Chanel
Following: no set plans. Having no BIG goals I have to reach in the next five years is a little a lot less stressful for me right now.
Noticing: how quickly time passes.
Knowing: this year could be one of my best/most important.
Thinking: TOO MUCH.
Feeling: very reflective, yet very determined.
Bookmarking: healthy recipes I want to try.
Giggling: with Leanne. At everything. Always. 
Writing: passport applications - boring and exciting ALL AT THE SAME TIME.*over excited, must end this post emoji*

If you've begun this year like me - reflective and determined, Taking Stock is a great way to see where you are and where you're hoping to go. If you decide to take stock please leave me links as I enjoy reading these just as much as writing them. 


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