Recently, as you may already know, more and more S/S13 collections are being released for us to get excited about. It seems though that 2013 is the year for Nails inc. polishes as they are bringing A LOT of new collections out for S/S13. These include collections such as: Concrete, Denim and Stars, Leather Effect, Crystaltastic, Bling It On, Feathers, SS13 Trend Shades,...
Glossybox £12.95 (including postage) As you know, February is the "Month of Love" with Valentines Day being on the 14th. So this month, Glossybox sent all their subscribers and 'one-off ' customers a Valentines inspired box. After receiving this box earlier than I expected, I was excited to see what was hiding inside. At the first sight of this month's box I loved the floral...
Today it was my friends birthday, and I'm sure you've guessed by the pictures.. her name's Jess! In the past I've always loved wrapping gifts and adding ribbon, but after wrapping a whole load of presents I lost all enjoyment in it and gladly handed the job over to my Mum. But last night, when I had nothing better to do, and instead...
I was planning to do a Loves of the Month post last month but nether got round to it, so now it's turned into a Loves of Last Month. Anyway, these are a few things I've loved using or have been using a lot in the previous month. I've never really found myself using shower or bath scrubs before but for Christmas I was given this by...