
Nails inc. Orange and Pink!


Recently, as you may already know, more and more S/S13 collections are being released for us to get excited about. It seems though that 2013 is the year for Nails inc. polishes as they are bringing A LOT of new collections out for S/S13. These include collections such as: Concrete, Denim and Stars, Leather Effect, Crystaltastic, Bling It On, Feathers, SS13 Trend Shades, and an Extras collection. Yes.. when I said A LOT, I meant it! 

As I am yet to try these amazing new collections from Nails inc. I decided to re-try my only orange shade of nail polish which is also from Nails inc. After digging this out from my growing collection, and yet again being stunned by the brightness of the shade, I realised the new and very popular Models Own Ice collection was missing a great shade of orange and began to wonder where the common neon colour had gone within it. hmm... ??

Anyway, if I'm honest, I completely forgot I owned the nail polish below. Orange has never been one of my top choices when it comes to the choice of colour to wear (whether it's clothing or nail polish), but as soon as I found this nail polish and put it on, I instantly loved the colour and I'm certain it will be one of my most worn throughout the summer. It's a completely full on orange shade and I love it!

On the bottle it says "by Fabulous". This is because it is one of those free gifts you send off for after buying a magazine for however many times, and so with this shade 'Atomic', I also received another which is 'OMP!'.  Both these shades are so bright and really give that 'summer beach' feel! 

As it states on each bottle it's by Fabulous so I expect these shades were exclusives and are therefore no longer available. After looking on the Nails inc. website - http://www.nailsinc.com/ I was unable to find these specific shades although the Porchester Place looks like an exact replica of Atomic and the Shoreditch shade for OMP!

What Nail Polishes are you loving at the moment? Have you chosen your shades for S/S13? 

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  1. Ooohh I love anything orange!These colors are so pretty! Right now my favorite shade is by revlon and it's called "posh" - it's a dark green color :)

    1. Usually I don't go for orange, but have decided I now love it too! That sounds great, I've wanted a dark green for ages.. I'll have to check it out :) Thanks X

  2. love both the shades! looks great on you (:

    xx S.


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