
The Name Change


Hi Guys!

So recently you may have noticed I changed my blog name after contemplating for a while whether it was a good idea or not, and to be honest I'm still not 100% sure it was. So, before it was ChloeeDenise and now it's A Girl Behind A Lens.

If you follow my instagram you'll understand why this is - because it's my instagram name! As it is much easier to change the used name on my blog than it is my instagram, I did just that. And also, with the idea of becoming the owner of a YouTube channel which obviously also relates to the idea of a lens on a camera and being behind it/in front of it (oh, i don't know?) blah blah blah... I thought it was a bit more unique and more of a "Username" than just my name. At this point you're probably wondering how the name relates to my blog because I am too. Well.. I suppose I take photos for my blog? :/ I just want all my usernames to be the same so I'm gonna see how it goes for a while and if people begin to tell me that it just doesn't make sense I'll probably begin to decide on changing it back. Sorry if this is going to be confusing but can we just work with it for a bit ?

Also, whilst this is a bit of a more chatty, unrelated post I'll let you know that I'm still here! I know I haven't blogged in what seems like forever and to be honest I'm beginning to miss it but I really haven't had the post ideas or inspiration lately. I don't want to be someone who posts for the sake of it, and I definitely don't want to feel as if this blog is something of a chore - that's far from the purpose. I promise I'll be back soon though :)

Thanks for bearing with me through this post! If you have any blog post ideas or things you'd like to see on my blog pretty please comment below and share them with me so I can get writing!

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