
L'Oreal Wild Ombre


After A LOT of contemplating, I finally ombréd my hair using L'Oreal Wild Ombré kit. I used no.3 which is for blonde to dark blonde hair. Seeing as I naturally have dark blonde hair this was the best match for me. I purchased this kit from Superdrug for £6.63 who currently have a 2 for £11 offer on! I decided against buying two boxes because after a tonne of research, most people had only needed one which I found out myself when using the product.

Inside the kit:
Expert Brush, Lightening Powder, Developer Creme, Lightening Creme, Conditioning shampoo, and Colourist gloves.

Having never put any colourants on my hair before, choosing to ombré my hair myself was a bit of a risk. This is where I found the brush included very helpful. It made the whole thing a lot easier and ensured all of my tips were covered.

What I did:
• Brush hair through so there are no knots at all (I didn't do this on freshly clean hair as I didn't want it to react with any other product).
• Partition hair - clip top layer from temple up.
• Section hair into two, pulling it over shoulders.
• Mix products together and cover brush evenly.
• Apply to the tips of the back strips of hair using the brush vertically.
• Work round to the front of the hair (I dyed further up on some bits compared to others to make it look more natural and for it to blend in better).
• Leave for 20-45 minutes depending on desired intensity.
• Clean part of hair with gloved fingers to see colour.
• When happy with colour, rinse with warm water.
• Apply 1/4 conditioner and wash thoroughly. Use another 1/4 and rinse.

This really sin't the best picture, but is the only one where the light wasn't making it look like it hadn't been ombred!
I'm really pleased with the outcome of using this kit, although I would have liked my tips to be a bit lighter. This is entirely my fault as I forgot to time how long the dye had been on for, so washed it nearly as soon as I had finished applying the last bit. I would definitely recommend this to anyone considering ombréing their hair. It is so easy to use and leaves your hair lightened and brightened!

My Top Tips: Begin applying the dye to the very ends of your tips and work your way up the sections of hair you want to dye. This will ensure the ends are the lightest and will make the change in hair colour gradual as the hair  nearer the top won't be as blonde as the ends. If you have a side fringe, add a tiny bit of product to the tips to make it blend with the rest of your hair. REMEMBER to use an old towel because I ruined Mum's! Oops!

*This post isn't sponsored by L'Oreal or Superdug. It is entirely my own, honest opinion of the product and my choice to write about it.

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  1. Wonderful post...I really like your pretty blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  2. great post, although the ombre didnt really turn out nicely on me D:

    Im going to subscribe, maybe you feel like returning the favor ^^

  3. I'm glad you liked this post! It's a shame the L'Oreal wild ombre didn't turn out so well on your hair! Maybe you could try getting it done professionally or using a normal lightener dye next time!
    Thank you for the follow, I've given your lovely blog a follow too! X


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