


You may have already guessed that I've been super busy this month as I haven't posted at all, until today! Everything that I was looking forward to this year has been in July and so I haven't been able to find the time to come on here and start typing about whatever. I thought that after finishing my GCSE exams and assessments I'd post so much more, but it's turned out that I'm posting less! Starting today I promise to try and get back to my old routine of posting more often. 

If you're a bit nosey like me I'm sure you'll want to know what's made my July the best, and busiest month of my year so far!

So the first thing that happened this month was an introductory day at the College I have applied for, which gave me a chance to look around and make a definite decision. 
....3 days after, prom happened!!! Prom was soooo good and I'd quite happily do it every single year if I could! Everyone looked amazing and had a great night!

The Monday after prom, I went on Holiday to Cornwall with my family, and stayed in the UK's surf Capital, Newquay! We visited 2 out of the 100's of bays and coves in Cornwall whilst the weather was great, shopped lots, ate too much, and had a great holiday!

On Sunday 14th July, my Mum, Auntie, Cousins, Brother, and I all took part in Race for life again. Like last year, the atmosphere was amazing and everyone was there for the same reason - to work towards beating Cancer. Participants were either cancer sufferers, family members to those with Cancer, or people who had no relation to the disease, but wanted to help! In no way do I want you to feel obliged to help us fundraise, but if you wanted to donate some money to Race for Life, for Cancer Research UK and support my family and I, you can do so at http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/deniseandchloe
If you haven't seen the post about Race for Life I wrote in April, you can read that here.

Sorry, this has been a long one, but hopefully you now know what I've been up to in the last few weeks, and why I haven't been posting as much as usual!
Thanks for bearing with me!
Chloe X

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