
Skincare Wishlist


Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water, Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser, Liz Earle Instant Boost Skin Tonic, No7 Protect & Perfect Eye Cream, Catastrophe Cosmetic Fresh Face Mask, Tea Tree Toner Water
In the midst of saving up for the money gobbler, otherwise known as a car, I am  restricting (trying) the money I spend on other things. I've decided not to do the clever thing and stop looking for stuff I can't buy, but instead search the whole of Boots website, and click on all your product recommendation links. Uh oh! 
I'm still not giving in yet though on all the things I reaaaaally want to try, so I have created a wishlist!

This one's all skincare based, because I usually spend endless amounts on beauty and fashion items I honestly don't need. The one thing I do have an excuse for though, is skincare. My skincare range is just 'one of everything', and even though that's enough I feel that my skin really needs that bit extra. I'm not exaggerating when I say my skin's worse for wear at the moment. "Oh Winter, when will you be over?" Anyway, I've decided that if I accidentally do happen to purchase anything in the next few months (non-car based), it has to be skincare otherwise I will feel very very very guilty.

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  1. Im terrible at saving money, and so I would be no good at making a wishlist because I wouldnt be able to stop myself from just buying the things anyway. I have the Lush Tea tree and its nice but it does smell very strongly of tea tree.


    1. I was so good at saving money until I began reading endless blogs that contain lots and lots of recommendations, haha! Strangely, making a wishlist helps me from refraining to shop! I don't mind the smell of tea tree, but thanks for warning me!

  2. Catastrophe Cosmetic has to be one of my favourite Lush face masks, it leaves skin feeling so soft and refreshed x

    P.S: I'm currently composing a list of bloggers interested in taking part in an Easter Beauty Box Swap! If you're interested you can add your name to the list by commenting on this post: http://realityleaveslotstoimagination.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/easter-beauty-box-swap.html


  3. The face mask looks lovely, definitely want to try it!
    Oh sounds great, I've left a comment over on the post!

  4. I've heard that cleansing water is really good, I have quite bad skin so I always enjoy reading posts about skin care x


    1. Oh, I've heard so many good things about it too! My skin's terrible, so I'm always on the lookout for skincare posts!

  5. Great selection of skincare products! I recently pruchased a Liz Earle set from their February offer which included the Cleanse and Polish, Toner, Cream and a freebie all for £40ish which i thought was great! I really want to give the Garnier Micellar water and some Lush skincare a try :D

    Sophia Meola | A Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog


    1. That's a really good price for Liz Earle! I'm so interested in trying LUSH skincare at the mo, I'd love to start using products with more natural ingredients! X

  6. Thank You! I'll take a look


  7. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  8. Lush's products all the way. Haven't tried these ones though, so today I'm going on a shopping spree :))) x

    1. That's a good idea! I'll be out shopping as soon as I'm done saving :) X

  9. You sound like youre doing so much better at saving for a car than me lol, I have no self control! I'd love to give the lush skincare a go, I've heard fab things

    A little bit Unique Blog/Bloglovin/Instagram/Facebook


    1. I will admit, it's difficult. So have I, would love to begin shopping in lush again (once I've got my car obviously haha).

  10. Ahh I love lush skin care,was actually chatting with a lady in lush yesterday about some products I am after soon.
    I really want to give the garnier micellar water a try too - I am always after new skin care!
    Love your blog hun,so nominated you for a liebster award :) http://talkingtransplants.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/liebster-award-3.html
    Kate xo

    1. It's great to go and have a chat with the people in lush and find out what their fave products are.
      Ooh thank you, I'll go check that out!


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