
Salonnière Lipsticks

A delicate floral print, a mix of black and gold, and bright shades; welcome to Salonnière lipsticks ladies. I'm a little in love with these and have been since the day I purchased them. I'm a sucker for packaging and Salonnière have definitely won me over on this. The use of gold makes each lipstick, as well as the brand, look more expensive and...

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Taking Stock

Taking Stock #2

Making: exciting holiday plans. Drinking: one too many glasses of wine (it's left over from Christmas and I just can't help let it go to waste)! Reading: Zoella's first novel - Girl Online Watching: video after video from Hannah Witton. How I have not watched her before I don't know! Wanting: to cleverly write about important, controversial topics. Looking: forward to what's in store...

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As I sit here listening to a playlist named "Spotlight on 2015" I feel ready for the year ahead more than I have ever done before. Maybe it's because I'm going into it, after just turning 18? Or maybe because I have a lot of exciting ventures planned and in preparation? What I do know is this; that 2014 grew into the year...

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